Permission Request – Lease Restrictions

If you own a leasehold property (or a freehold property where estate charges are payable), sometimes permission is required from the Lessor or Management Company in order to carry out things like making alterations to the property, or sub-letting the property to a tenant.

Where your lease or transfer requires permission, you can apply for this by completing the form below. We will liaise with the Lessor or Management Company on your behalf, and issue you with a formal grant of permission (or explain why they have not approved your request if applicable).

To request permission, please complete the form below

Shortly after submitting the form (during office hours) you will receive an invoice via email. On receipt of cleared payment your request will be processed. Please note that processing timescales quoted are from receipt of cleared payment, and are also subject to us receiving responses from third-parties such as your Lessor or Management Company.

Please note that the permission fee is payable to Blocsphere at the time of request, and is non-refundable should the Lessor or Management Company refuse your request.

    Full property address (including postcode)

    Invoice name and address (for our fee detailed below)

    Your relationship to the property (please select)

    Contact email (where our invoice will be sent)

    Contact phone

    Please describe what you are requesting permission for

    How quickly do you require the formal permission notice?

    I confirm that I will not proceed with the proposed changes until in receipt of a formal written permission letter from Blocsphere Property Management, and that the timescale selected above for receipt of such letter is adequate (please tick to confirm)

    Contact Us


      03333 601 601 (General Enquiries)

      0330 113 9258 (New Business Enquiries)

      EMAIL: (General Enquiries) (New Business Enquiries)

      GDPR - We need your permission

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