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Property Management

Property Management Services

Our 40 years’ combined property management experience has enabled us to build what we believe to be the best property management package in the UK.

Blocsphere provides a range of property management services designed to support your needs.

Our team works to 𝘦𝘯𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 the property ownership experience and uplift your property through our management services.

To find out how we can support you with our property management, request a 𝘯𝘰 𝘰𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 management fee estimate 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺!

Residential Management

Apartment blocks 

Mixed-use buildings

Housing estates


Commercial Management

Office buildings

Shopping / leisure centres

Industrial estates

Retail parks

Public open spaces


Blocsphere Services

Company Secretarial (including registered office address)
  • Managers act as Company Secretary and register Clients associated Management Company to the registered office address of their manager.
  • Managers will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that they file with Companies House a Confirmation Statement on behalf of Clients.
Ground Rent Collection
  • We open and handle dedicated client bank accounts on behalf of Clients.
  • We issue demands for ground rent contributions, including arrears and interest due on late payments.
  • We issue demands for administrative charges to include relevant summaries of rights.
  • We transfer ground rents collected to Clients by bank transfer on an annual basis, and/or no later than 30 days after receiving a written request from Clients.
Dedicated Relationship Manager
  • Consults with Clients on management matters and long-term agreements when required.
  • Advises Clients of any breaches of covenant, on relevant legislative, regulatory issues and general interpretation of leases as far as possible given that Managers are not legally qualified to give advice.
  • Maintains suitable files and records on the management of the property.
  • Keeps records of residents and tenancy details.
  • Liaises with Clients as and when required to review the management of the development.
24/7 Emergency Phone Line
  • We provide a 24-hour telephone number which Clients or any third party may use to contact Managers to report any maintenance emergencies outside of the normal office working hours of Managers.
Insurance Management
  • We arrange buildings and other insurances applicable to the Property and Client which form part of the Annual Budget. We liaise with the relevant insurer/broker in connection with processing insurance claims.
Miscellaneous Correspondence
  • We deal with day-to-day correspondence concerning the Property, excluding legal issues or breach of lease and consulting with clients where required.
Management of on-site employee(s) (employed by Managers)
  • Only applicable where the employee’s usual place of work is the Property.
  • For existing employee(s) employed by Clients: We arrange the change of employer from the client to Managers in accordance with the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) regulations (TUPE).
  • We arrange initial DBS/Right To Work checks, payment of employee(s) wages on a monthly basis, payment to HMRC for amounts due related to employee and employer PAYE/National Insurance on a monthly basis, payment to any relevant workplace pension provider related to the employee(s) on a monthly basis, keep a record of employee(s) annual leave and absences (both authorised and unauthorised by Clients) and report any concerns to Clients including: unauthorised absences, health & safety issues affecting (or caused by)  the employee(s), data protection (GDPR) issues affecting (or caused by) the employee(s) and general conduct of the employee(s).
Service Charge Collection
  • We open and handle dedicated client bank accounts on behalf of Clients.
  • We issue demands for service charges and reserve fund contributions including arrears and interest due on late payments.
  • We issue demands for administrative charges to include relevant summaries of rights.
  • We process payments relating to the Property within expenditure limits and funds available or as reasonable expediency dictates.
  • We provide annual service charge accounts, providing that Clients provide all requested information to Managers.
Arrears Management
  • We issue demands for administrative charges to include relevant summaries of rights.
  • We deal with service charge and ground rent arrears on behalf of Clients within the terms of the lease including interest due on late payments.
  • We report to Clients within 5 days of a written request on any amounts of service charges or ground rent contributions which have been outstanding and unpaid for 28 days or more.
  • We instruct Debt Collectors, Bailiffs or Solicitors, where appropriate, to recover outstanding sums related to the Property that are due to Clients.
Site Inspections (per annum)
  • We view, without the use of inspection equipment, the common parts of the property to check condition and arrange for any necessary repairs other than major repairs.
  • We carry out inspections of the common parts of the property and take appropriate action in line with the terms of the lease.
Annual Budget Preparation
  • We prepare and issue an Annual Budget on behalf of Clients which is an estimate of service charge costs for the following year.
Maintenance/Contractor Management
  • We set up and monitor service contacts and action reactive maintenance, as necessary, for common parts or facilities of the Property. Employing a digital walk-through tour of the common parts of the Property – including scale floor plans.
  • We appoint external professional advisors as necessary related to any works, contracts, or other expenditure which qualify under Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act. We administer JCT Minor Works contract on behalf of Clients.
Insurance Management
  • We arrange buildings and other insurances applicable to the Property and Client which form part of the Annual Budget. We liaise with the relevant insurer/broker in connection with processing insurance claims.
Meeting Attendances Per Annum (AGM/EGM etc)
  • Dedicated Relationship Managers (or alternative members of staff) attend Annual General Meetings, Extraordinary General Meetings or other meetings with Clients (per annum) and gives no less than 30 days’ notice. Attendance is only online unless managers agree in writing, and if so (including travel time to and from the meeting) will be between the hours of 09:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays and Public Holidays).
Management of on-site employee(s) (employed by Clients)
  • Only applicable where the employee’s usual place of work is the Property.
  • We arrange initial DBS/Right To Work checks, payment of employee(s) wages on a monthly basis, payment to HMRC for amounts due related to employee and employer PAYE/National Insurance on a monthly basis, payment to any relevant workplace pension provider related to the employee(s) on a monthly basis, keep a record of employee(s) annual leave and absences (both authorised and unauthorised by Clients) and report any concerns to Clients including: unauthorised absences, health & safety issues affecting (or caused by) the employee(s), data protection (GDPR) issues affecting (or caused by) the employee(s) and general conduct of the employee(s).
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