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Tenant Compliance Form

    Name of person completing this form

    Full property address (including postcode)

    Service charge payment reference (This can be found on your service charge payment request and will be in the format AAA000)

    Full names of all owners of the property (please include names of all joint owners)

    Landline contact phone number for property owner(s)

    Best mobile contact phone number for property owner(s)

    Best email address for property owner(s)

    If you rent your property, please provide an alternative correspondence address for the property owner(s)

    If you rent your property, please provide the full names of the head tenant and all other tenants / known occupiers. Please enter N/A if you do not rent your property.

    If you do not rent your property, please provide the full names of all other occupiers other than the property owner(s) entered at the start of this form.

    Please enter the number of usual occupants of the property who are OVER 18. If the property is currently empty, please enter 0

    Please enter the number of usual occupants of the property who are UNDER 18 (including children / babies). If the property is currently empty, please enter 0

    If you rent your property, please provide a landline contact phone number for the tenant(s)

    If you rent your property, please provide a mobile contact phone number for the tenant(s)

    If you rent your property, please provide an email address for the tenant(s)

    If you rent your property, please enter the expiry date of the current tenancy agreement. If the agreement has already expired (and the tenancy is now on a rolling monthly basis for example), please enter the previous expiry date.

    If you rent your property,please enter the full contact name and address of your letting agent (including postcode).

    We may need to implement a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) for individuals who may have difficulties evacuating a building to a place of safety without support or assistance from others. Please let us know below if any occupiers (whether owners or tenants) have any disabilities which may require a PEEP plan. Examples include: Mobility issues, sight issues, hearing issues, neurological issues, mental health issues, pregnancy, short-term injuries etc. We will be in touch to obtain further details where required.

    We may need to provide important fire safety advice to occupiers in languages other than english, in large print, or in braille where required. Please let us know below if any occupiers (whether owners or tenants) require these documents in an alternative format. We will be in touch to obtain further details where required.

    Please ensure the following selection boxes are correct in relation to the property

    Do you sublet the property to tenants?:

    Do you advertise the property on AIRBNB or similar?:

    Do you or your tenants keep pets at the property?:

    Does the property have its own satellite dish or tv aerial? Do not include communal satellite or tv aerial systems.

    Have you ever made any alterations to the property? Please include ANY alterations made, no matter how large or small. This should include changes to fixtures, the layout of the property, or any alterations which consisted of general building, electrical, gas, or plumbing work:

    If you have made alterations to the property, please provide full details along with relevant dates:

    We may need to inspect the entrance door(s) to your property to ensure they meet fire safety regulations. Please confirm who we are best contacting to arrange this if required.

    I confirm that the information provided above is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that it is supplied to Blocsphere in accordance with their Privacy Policy . I also confirm that should any of the above details change i will notify Blocsphere within 7 days by email to . Please tick below to confirm.

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