Energy Saving Tips

7th Jan 2019

Creating an energy efficient home has never been more important. Here at Blocsphere, we believe that the underlying message of Cut Your Energy Costs day is extremely important. Not only does this awareness event help us to save our pennies, it is good for the environment by cutting back on our energy usage. It is also a great way to make your property more appealing to potential buyers if you are considering selling your home.

Here are some of our top tips to help you cut back on your energy usage!

Turn Off Plug Sockets + Unplug Electricals When Not In Use

Your electrical items will still use up electricity when they are placed on standby and even when they are switched off but left plugged in. This can cause up to 10% of the household yearly energy bill. Consider all the items within your home that sit in ‘standby mode’ such as televisions, microwaves and computers. Getting rid of these unnecessary costs can really make a big difference.

Check Your Home is Well Insulated + Draught Proof

Much of your home’s energy is lost directly through the walls and loft, so ensure your home is properly insulated by replacing any insulation that is old and worn. Insulation helps to reduce the heat flow throughout the building’s envelope – the areas that separate the interiors and exteriors. It is also important to draught proof your home – something that can be done quickly and at very little cost. There’s a wide range of draught exclusions devices such as flaps for your keyhole, letterbox covers, insulation strips and draught excluders for the edges of doors. These alterations alone can save homeowners a lot of money each year and stop energy from escaping through all those nooks and crannies.

Be More Mindful In The Kitchen

One room in your home that is guaranteed to use the most energy is the kitchen. It holds an array of devices such as fridges, washing machines, kettles, coffee machines and much more. As well as electrical energy, many of these devices also use water – another area to consider. Small but effective changes for each appliance can help you to cut back on your energy, such as:

Consider Your Lights

A small but useful trick is to turn off the lights when leaving a room. If you find this a hard habit, there are a variety of dimmer switches and timers that will help you to keep your usage in check. You may also want to consider switching to energy efficient fluorescent lightbulbs which can last 8-10 times longer and uses up to 75% less energy.

Heat + Cool Your Home Efficiently

Your heating system takes up the most energy within your home, typically being around 35-40%. Properly using, maintaining and upgrading your equipment will help it to work to its full capacity. Many households now have ‘smart thermostats’ installed that have many benefits such as controlling your heating via your smartphone and tracking usage.

Watch Your Water Wastage

The smartest tricks to keep energy bills low are free and often the most simple. It’s something that we have all heard before but many rarely put into action. Watching how much water you use daily is a small task that can help contribute towards lower energy bills.

Consider Buying A Smart Meter

It can sometimes be hard to change our bad energy wasting habits. A useful device to help combat this is a smart meter. They are a great way to see exactly how much energy you are using and when. By setting yourself daily targets, you can avoid exceeding your personal limit.

We hope these few tips will help give you an idea of the simple things that you can do that will make a big different to both your energy use and bills. Every little bit helps.

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